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Topic: Girl Scout Cookies

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Girl Scout Cookies (1/2)
 4/14/09 6:42am
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Career Cul-De-Sac, TX - USA

1984 Z-51 Corvette

Joined: 3/21/2009
Posts: 104

Most people have their favorite.
But, let me tell you why I love them (even thought I don't eat 'em).
My daughter sells Girl Scout cookies every year. For two years in a row, she has sold over 1,000 boxes which had made her the top seller in Mustang County (some region within the Girl Scouts).
Because of this, she won a free trip to Corpus Christi with a tour and overnight stay on the USS Lexington aircraft carrier Clap...and I get to go Big smile
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Girl Scout Cookies (2/2)
 4/14/09 8:56am
Adams' Apple
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Duncanville, TX - USA

1985 Coupe-L98/Auto,Bright Red/Carmine. 1974 Coupe-L48/4speed, Medium Red Metallic/Black Deluxe.

Joined: 3/18/2009
Posts: 2246

Kewl deal!!!


Joel Adams  
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