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Topic: 5 Winter activities to warm your heart

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5 Winter activities to warm your heart (1/1)
 11/27/13 1:45am
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Joined: 11/27/2013
Posts: 1

The winter months can seem cold and bleak and by January, all you want is for the next few months to zoom by so you can finally feel warm sun on your skin again. This feeling of winter blues might occur during the holidays when stress is mounting, money is tight, and out-of-town family is visiting. It can also occur after the holidays and might be accompanied by the feeling of letdown following a season of business, happiness, and cheer. To deal with these feelings, try focusing on all the great things about winter that you can’t enjoy at any other time of year.

Drink hot chocolate

When else can you drink hot chocolate and not need to take a cold shower afterwards? Even better, make space in a busy afternoon to make a cup of hot cocoa, pull on a comfortable pair of pajamas—maybe even adult-sized footed pajamas, like the ones sold at Jumpin Jammerz—and get out that magazine or book you’ve been meaning to read. Curl up on the couch and indulge in an hour or so of pampering yourself with this exclusively cold weather activity.

Have a snowball fight

Bundle up tightly with thick, waterproof snow gloves, a hat, a scarf, and a comfy jacket and rope family or friends into a snowball fight. The fight might be planned—where you ask people to come armed with wagons full of pre-made snowballs—or impromptu—where you scoop a handful of snow on a whim off the hood of the car and hurl it at your husband. Instantly you have a fun, blood-pumping activity that will warm you up despite the cold temperatures.

Go sledding

This is another fun activity that will warm you up, help you burn some holiday calories, get you out of the house, and allow you to enjoy the winter months. New snow is better than old, icy snow for sledding, so try to get out to a nice hill within a day or two of a sufficient snowfall.

Build a fire

Whether you have an indoor fireplace or can build a small outdoor campfire, warming your hands and face before a crackling blaze on a chilly evening is sure to thaw more than your skin. Sharing stories, roasting marshmallows, and even just companionable silence are sure to be enhanced by the dazzling dance of a smoldering fire.

Decorate with paper snowflakes

Creating paper snowflakes is an art form that even the most artistically challenged can cultivate. You can google ideas online for strategies in making the most beautiful, delicate winter decorations. You can even print off templates if you want to take all the guesswork out of the equation. Tape the snowflakes up on your window, fridge, or walls to bring a little of the winter wonderland into your home.

Source: huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/17/winter-activities-best-traditions_n_796533.html#s203798title=Hot_Cocoa
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