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Topic: E-mail Notifications for Post Replys

in Forum: Official C4 Vette Registry Support/Issues/Comments

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E-mail Notifications for Post Replys (1/5)
 11/2/10 6:43pm
Adams' Apple
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Duncanville, TX - USA

1985 Coupe-L98/Auto,Bright Red/Carmine. 1974 Coupe-L48/4speed, Medium Red Metallic/Black Deluxe.

Joined: 3/18/2009
Posts: 2246

For those of you that may be noticing you are not getting an e-mail notice for every reply to a thread you have subscribed to, Adam has this explanation:
[quote=Adam Wartell]In the lastest version of the forum software, they added something that most forums already do....
It will only send one notification per forum or topic since members last visit.
Meaning, you log in, subscribe to a topic, someone replies, you get a notice, you don't go to the site yet, someone else replies to the topic, you will not get notified, someone else replies, you still don't get notified, you view the thread (you reply or don't), someone else replies, you WILL get notified.

Make sense?

It's to prevent sending emails to people that don't log in often.  And really, all you need is the one notice, which has a link that will take you to the thread, and you can read all replies that have been posted.  You don't really need to be notified of EVERY reply if you haven't been in since the first time it notified you.

From a "business standpoint" it makes more sense to "force" you to come back for page views. Sponsors like page views. They don't get page views if you're only reading emails.

Most sites only send you a notice that a reply has been made but forces you to click the link to read the reply.  I have that option here too, but I know people like to get the text of the reply in the email, so I keep it that way.

Call it a compromise. Big smile

Hope this helps. Of course, if you are having any other sort of issues, or have questions, please let us know.


Joel Adams  
My Link

(click for Texas-sized view!)             NCRS

"Money can't buy happiness -- but somehow it's more comforting to cry in a CORVETTE than in a Kia"

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E-mail Notifications for Post Replys (2/5)
 11/3/10 7:54am
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Huron, OH - USA

1989 Red Convertible - 160,000 fun-filled miles -

Joined: 12/5/2009
Posts: 179

I was wondering why I wasn't getting an email for each of the subsequent posts... and really like the way it's working now. Thank you for everything you do for the site !



E-mail Notifications for Post Replys (3/5)
 11/3/10 12:03pm
Former Member

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Buffalo, NY - USA

1988 coupe all original 21,000 miles

Joined: 6/25/2010
Posts: 125

I concur...thanks for all your efforts to keep this site up and running!Clap

E-mail Notifications for Post Replys (4/5)
 11/3/10 3:45pm
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lanoka harbor, NJ - USA

1990 L-98 white/ red/black leather interior targa top auto 1975 L48 blue/black leather interior t tops auto

Joined: 3/22/2009
Posts: 1363

i like this a lot as my inbox doesn't get cluttered up as much. the only thing with me is that i am used to the old system and will have to remember to check older posts for replies. guess you have to sacrifice a little to get a lot. dave


the dynamic duo

c3vr life member #97
E-mail Notifications for Post Replys (5/5)
 11/3/10 6:50pm
Adams' Apple
Standard Member
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Duncanville, TX - USA

1985 Coupe-L98/Auto,Bright Red/Carmine. 1974 Coupe-L48/4speed, Medium Red Metallic/Black Deluxe.

Joined: 3/18/2009
Posts: 2246

YEah..before this was implemented, I would have 15 e-mails on the same thread in one day. Now, I'll just get one, depending on if I reply or not. Big smile


Joel Adams  
My Link

(click for Texas-sized view!)             NCRS

"Money can't buy happiness -- but somehow it's more comforting to cry in a CORVETTE than in a Kia"

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