I am now back in class and ready for a re-set. Last year the class got bogged down and there were equipment failures in the shop that kept me from getting some of the stuff I wanted to get done pushed forward. I am busy getting my wife back on her feet after dealing with breast cancer and externalities that got churned up, and really wanted to get work on Annie done. So here I am a year later having a restart. I bought an new lens for Annie's roof and will be learning that process, and I really need to take a look at the HVAC system unable to cool adequately. Then I will do that re-upholstery thing but that will be last on the list. I am thinking about the wheels, and understand that Anniversary wheels were a special option, an inch larger in diameter than the stock ones. Which got me thinking... the stock wheels are rare. I've never seen any out in shows, or on the road. Does your car have these wheels?