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Topic: New eye candy for the interior...

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New eye candy for the interior... (1/28)
 9/6/09 5:29pm
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1992 Corvette Black on Black ZF6 6-speed LT1 EM headers/Corsa exhaust

Joined: 3/22/2009
Posts: 34

After month's of putting it off, I finally decided to do something about the shoddy looking trim pieces in my '92 Vette.  

What was the problem?

Well, like in so many other C4's out there,the factory rubber-like coating GM used on the interior trim pieces, (think they called it "Dulso", or something)  were starting to show their age.  Scratches, peeling and a few small dings that had accumulated over the years had left my radio bezel (and especially) my console cover, looking pretty shoddy.

I decided rather than to try and re-paint them with some sort of rubberized coating to try and match the original, I'd go a different route and see if I had any other options.

Quite by accident really, I stumbled upon a company that specializes in re-covering factory trim pieces in a variety of different colors/patterns.  The rest, as they say, is history.

NOTE: (Never mind the big gaping hole in my dash.  I'm in the process of upgrading my sound system and haven't received all my parts yet) LOL

As you can see from the photo's, these are NOT the usual "peel 'n stick" cover's you see in all the 'Vette Catalogs - you know, the ones that simply lay over top the factory panels.  You can always spot those covers because you can always see the outside edge of the original panel/trim underneath since the sticker never goes right to edge.  In my opinion, I've always thought those cover's looked a bit cheap and out of place in a Corvette because it was obvious, that they were just stuck-on covers...

Though I'm not too sure on what the exact process used to coat these trim pieces, all I know is that the new finish is applied to the entire face of each trim piece and perfectly wraps around each contour and curve giving the appearance that the part is made entirely of carbon fiber, as apposed to the more common "peel 'n stick" covers that kind of just "sit on top" of your factory trim.

The first thing I noticed when I pulled these parts out of their shipping box, was the glass-like finish they have.  They shine like mirrors and really add an almost three-dimensional look to the pattern underneath.  Each panel receives 10 coats of automotive uv clear coat and come with a three year guarantee against peeling, fading or cracking.  If for whatever reason they get scuffed or scratched, you can always just buff them out like you would your car's paint. Clap

Though they have flashier and more attention grabbing colors and finishes, I decided to keep things a little more subtle.  I wanted to spruce up my interior but at the same time, have it look factory issue.  I decided to go with "Black Carbon Fiber" and I'm really happy I did.  I think they look fantastic and at the same time still look subtle and factory issue.  

Installation was a breeze since obviously, these are still the original factory trim pieces.  They all fit perfectly with no modification's and go in just as easily as they came out.


In a nut-shell, I'm very impressed with the quality of the work done.

Once I finish my stereo install, I'll post some more pictures, in day-light next time.

These are shots of the new console cover and radio bezel in "Black Carbon Fiber. Big smile


Here are some comparison shot's of the stock "Dulso" coated GM pieces and the new "HydroCarbon" covered pieces.  I think the new finish looks much better than the old.  Should last a lot longer too!


Here you can see what I mentioned above in regards to the new finish wrapping around all the curves and contours of the trim pieces right to the edge.  This cannot be done with the old "stick-on" covers as they are completely flat pieces that just sit over top the originals leaving all of the corners and curves uncovered and exposed.  You can also see a close up view of the pattern itself.  


Day-Time photo's:



Any question and/or comments are more than welcome!

Thumbs Up LT1*C42009-12-10 14:30:53
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New eye candy for the interior... (2/28)
 9/6/09 8:15pm
Black Shark
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Black 1979 L-82 Black 1996 LT1 Black 1999 Coupe

Joined: 3/20/2009
Posts: 611

I like that look so much better that the "colored" interior parts.

I would never consider changing mine from black except its peeling.

What was the cost if you dont mind?

New eye candy for the interior... (3/28)
 9/6/09 8:34pm
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1992 Corvette Black on Black ZF6 6-speed LT1 EM headers/Corsa exhaust

Joined: 3/22/2009
Posts: 34

Normally, the company that does this (I'll PM you the company name) prefers that the customer sends in their own parts to be done  but they do have some parts in stock.  They normally don't do too much C4 work as they're primarily into the later model C5/6 cars so you should contact them and see if they have the parts you're looking to get if you want to keep your original parts (just in case you'd want to revert back to stock in the future)

Because I never sent mine in, I paid extra because I bought the trim pieces directly from them.  Total was $290US (that includes shipping to Canada) during a group purchase.

If you live in the US, shipping charges would be substantially less.  Every now and then, the vendor has a group purchase discount and you can get these pieces for a well under $300.  I believe they give you a $25 discount if you send in your core, so that knocks off a few more bucks right there...

They can redo just about any plastic part on your car too, not just interior trim.  You'd have to call them to get a quote though...

I'm sending them my door trim next and probably my fuel injector covers as well. Smile
LT1*C42009-09-06 21:40:20
New eye candy for the interior... (4/28)
 9/7/09 7:59am
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1992 Corvette Black on Black ZF6 6-speed LT1 EM headers/Corsa exhaust

Joined: 3/22/2009
Posts: 34

Update:  Just added some day-time photo's of the new trim installed. Big smile
New eye candy for the interior... (5/28)
 9/7/09 3:49pm
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Joined: 8/3/2009
Posts: 31

Now that is absolutely stunning!!! .......what a difference....Thumbs Up
New eye candy for the interior... (6/28)
 9/14/09 6:17am
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Joined: 3/23/2009
Posts: 1

I like the new look!!! Would you please send me the name of the company you purchased them from. I would like to change mine. Thanks Randy
New eye candy for the interior... (7/28)
 9/16/09 10:31am
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San Diego, CA - USA

1996 Arctic White Coupe LT4 6spd 1988 black coupe Z51 4+3

Joined: 9/5/2009
Posts: 3

That is a very nice upgrade! Great pictures! Could you send me the name of the company that does this?
New eye candy for the interior... (8/28)
 11/23/09 1:19am
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1953 1992 BLACK ON BLACK

Joined: 11/22/2009
Posts: 60

Like the trim. About that gaping hole. I too have a '92 black on black, 6 speed. I realy want to rid myself of the "Blows" system. I'm not going for extra amps or a seperate bass boom box. Just a decent radio and CD player with good speakers. Maybe like 25 watts/ channel. What are you upgrading to?
Dave in Florida.
New eye candy for the interior... (9/28)
 11/24/09 11:19am
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Wake Forest, NC - USA

1996 Collector Edition Convertible

Joined: 11/24/2009
Posts: 15

Whats the secret to removing the panels, especially the console panel with the shifter. The shifter boot has come loose and I need to tighten the screws that hold it in place.
New eye candy for the interior... (10/28)
 11/25/09 2:42pm
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Ashburn, VA - USA

1993 40th Anniversary Coupe

Joined: 10/30/2009
Posts: 13

Was there ever an answer on the company name that provides these parts?

New eye candy for the interior... (11/28)
 11/25/09 4:01pm
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Oceanside, CA - USA

1990, Black on Black, Convertible

Joined: 11/21/2009
Posts: 10

I have a 1990, Black on Black Roadster that has 60,000 miles and so far, other than the Brakes is all stock, original parts.  I have always thought that I would like to maintain that stock look ... but I really like the look of your new pieces.  Would you consider sending me the name of teh manufacturer as well?
Thanks for the post and the photos.  Looks great! Smile
New eye candy for the interior... (12/28)
 11/29/09 2:42pm
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1992 Corvette Black on Black ZF6 6-speed LT1 EM headers/Corsa exhaust

Joined: 3/22/2009
Posts: 34

Sorry it's taken so long to answer your questions guy's but I've been really busy at work and haven't had too much time to check back and visit the thread.

[QUOTE=92vette]I like the new look!!! Would you please send me the name of the company you purchased them from. I would like to change mine. Thanks Randy

Sent you a PM:

[QUOTE=TopVette]That is a very nice upgrade! Great pictures! Could you send me the name of the company that does this?
Sent you a PM as well

[QUOTE=FLDAVE]Like the trim. About that gaping hole. I too have a '92 black on black, 6 speed. I realy want to rid myself of the "Blows" system. I'm not going for extra amps or a seperate bass boom box. Just a decent radio and CD player with good speakers. Maybe like 25 watts/ channel. What are you upgrading to? Dave in Florida.[/QUOTE]

Since music makes up about 90% of my past time, needless to say, when it comes to buying audio components, I tend to pay a bit more than what a "casual" music listener would pay, in order to buy higher-end components.  I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but I am patient.  If I have to save up the money for a couple weeks/month's to get what I want, that's what I'll have to do.

The sound quality of an audio system in a car is very important to me since I spend so much time in the car driving around day to day.  I had some pretty sweet-sounding set-up in my two previous Fbodies and the Corvette will be no different.

Mind you, as much as I enjoy great sound quality, don't think that I'll just automatically  buy whatevers the most expensive, or go "all-out" with multiple subs,amps speakers in every corner of the car, tweeters all over the place, televisions, dvd players and component speaker set-ups like some guys do.  If that's what someone's into, great, but that's definitely not for me.Confused

My recipe for great sounding car audio has always been to keep things simple.  I've never run any more than 1 amplifier in any of my past cars.  A single 4-6 channel amp has always provided me with more than enough power to feed all of my speakers and subs and still play loud enough to be heard from blocks away.  I don't need 5000 wattes of power in a two door sorts car  Dead

My '92 currently has an old JVC head unit powering the stock bose speakers.  Whomever the original owner got to do the installation was a butcher as I've never seen such a hacked up, half @ss install in my life.  Aside from that, the sound quality was/is really bad thanks in no small part, to the bose speakers GM installed on these cars...

As for my head unit, I picked up an Alpine CDA-9887.  It's definitely up there in the "high-end" of head units as it has virtually limitless sound tuning capabilities.  Probably more than I'll ever use, but its nice to know they're there if I ever need them.  It also has the best ipod user-interface I've ever used which is very important since I'll be picking up an ipod and using it exclusively as my audio source. 

For speakers (the most important part of ANY sound system) I picked up a set of 6x9 Boston Acoustics SR 95's for the rear (I've already modified the factory speaker enclosers to accept them).

I haven't yet decide on whether to go with 6 or 6.5 inch speakers up front.  Obviously, the enclosers will have to be replaced since neither will accept a spear that size, so depending on how much space I have to work with, it'll be one or the other.  Again, I'll be sticking with Boston Acoustics for the front as well (which series depends on which size speaker I'll be going with.

It's the sub department I still haven't figured out yet.  Not too sure whether to go with a single 12" or a pair of 10's.  The Vett's interior is pretty small (smaller than the Fbodies I'm used to owning) so a single 12 may be enough but I'll burn that bridge when I cross it....

I'm kind of hoping I can get by on a single 12 since I don't want to add too much weight to the car and I still need space for the targa (which is ALWAYS in the truck since I never use it while driving) and I'd still like to have space to throw a duffel bag or two in there should I ever take a road trip with a second passenger...

Just about the only thing I know about the sub(s?) is that I'll probably be going with Image Dynamics since I've had nothing but FANTASTIC results with their subs in the past.

For the amp, It'll be either a 5 or six channel amp (depending on whether I go with 1 or 2 subs) and will probably be an Alpine as well.

Anyways, for pic's of the head unit I just installed, check out:

[QUOTE=LBzr]Whats the secret to removing the panels, especially the console panel with the shifter. The shifter boot has come loose and I need to tighten the screws that hold it in place.

Not much to it really.  There are 3 screws holding the console cover in place.  Lift the arm rest cover up and you'll see 2 of them right there.  Open the ash tray lid and you'll see the 3rd at the bottom of the tray.  First, pull out the cover (towards you) and then upwards.  This is because the console cover has a pair of tabs at the front which slide into the bottom of the radio bezel so you don't want to just yank it right out or you may break a tabs.

The trunk release button and cigarette lighter must be unplugged as well.  They're both pretty straight forward...

Once you've removed the 3 screws and lifted out the console cover, before you're able to take it out completely, you have to remove the shifter boot which is attached to the bottom of the console cover.  It has a rectangular "ring" around it and 4 small "torqs" screws  - one on each corner, holding it in place.

Once that's done, you can get to the radio bezel.  There are two screws at the bottom on the left and right sides.  Than a third one on the very top just below the center air vent.  To rreach it, you must remove the center air vent.  It's held in place by 2 small philips screws one on each left/right side.  Take the screws out and the air vent just pulls right out.  Now you have access to the 3rd screw which holds the radio bezel in place.

Assuming you have a philips head screwdriver, a torqs screwdriver and a small socket wrench, removing the console and radio bezel covers should only take you about 15 minutes...

[QUOTE=Horton1339]Was there ever an answer on the company name that provides these parts?

Mike  [/QUOTE]

Check your PM...

[QUOTE=dfroggatt]I have a 1990, Black on Black Roadster that has 60,000 miles and so far, other than the Brakes is all stock, original parts.  I have always thought that I would like to maintain that stock look ... but I really like the look of your new pieces.  Would you consider sending me the name of teh manufacturer as well?
Thanks for the post and the photos.  Looks great! Smile

Guess what?  You have a PM too!! LOL

LT1*C42009-11-29 17:00:55
New eye candy for the interior... (13/28)
 11/29/09 2:52pm
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United Kingdom

1991 Coupe

Joined: 11/12/2009
Posts: 5

Could you send me a PM. I'd like to see if they ship overseas.
New eye candy for the interior... (14/28)
 11/29/09 2:57pm
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1992 Corvette Black on Black ZF6 6-speed LT1 EM headers/Corsa exhaust

Joined: 3/22/2009
Posts: 34

[QUOTE=Cooky]Could you send me a PM. I'd like to see if they ship overseas.

Sent you a PM...
New eye candy for the interior... (15/28)
 11/29/09 3:08pm
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Joined: 8/3/2009
Posts: 31

ok.......I'll play too  LOL      please send me a p.m. .....thanks
New eye candy for the interior... (16/28)
 11/29/09 4:02pm
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1992 Corvette Black on Black ZF6 6-speed LT1 EM headers/Corsa exhaust

Joined: 3/22/2009
Posts: 34

[QUOTE=slickwilly63]ok.......I'll play too  LOL      please send me a p.m. .....thanks[/QUOTE]

New eye candy for the interior... (17/28)
 12/9/09 9:31am
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Lafayette, IN - USA

2005 DSOM Coupe Z51

Joined: 10/3/2009
Posts: 7

Looks nice.  I was able to "fix" the scratch in my center console by peeling off the top layer.   However, down the road I'd like do something like you did.  Can you let me know who the company is and approximately what it cost?  Thanks.
New eye candy for the interior... (18/28)
 12/10/09 1:20pm
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Oceanside, CA - USA

1990, Black on Black, Convertible

Joined: 11/21/2009
Posts: 10

I noticed you did not do your vents.  Was this simply a cost and timing issue or would those items not be able to be treated?
New eye candy for the interior... (19/28)
 12/11/09 11:00pm
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Orange Park, FL - USA

1996 LT4 Blk/Blk coupe all origional

Joined: 12/4/2009
Posts: 56

For those who wish to keep the origional look I'll pass on my experience. I needed to replace the shifter consol surround on my '96 LT4 and looked through many of the Corvette supplier catalogs. Eckler's listed the part but when I called to inquire I was told it was plain black plastic without the "soft touch" coating. Corvette Central listed the part as discontinued so I called to make sure and was told the did have the part and they had spent two years getting the coating correct. It's part #234328 for 94-96 and costs 149.95. It is an excellent match. Dave
New eye candy for the interior... (20/28)
 1/16/10 4:10am
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moapa, NV - USA

1987 black c4 auto tranny

Joined: 1/16/2010
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sweet ride 
Re: New eye candy for the interior... (21/28)
 7/10/14 10:54am
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Richmond, VA - USA

1994 Black Corvette Coupe

Joined: 7/10/2014
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I know I'm five years late on this, but can someone PM the company that does this work?
Re: New eye candy for the interior... (22/28)
 7/16/14 12:34pm
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fountain inn, SC - USA


Joined: 12/17/2013
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I, too, would appreciate it if you could pm me with the name of the company.  That looks awesome!  Thanx.Beer 
Re: New eye candy for the interior... (23/28)
 7/18/14 6:40am
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Minneapolis, MN - USA

Purchased a 1986 Convert August 2013, Bright Red color with a black top, it'd already received a Tremec 5 speed upgrade along with a disc upgrade prior to purchase.

Joined: 8/16/2013
Posts: 53

I suspect these are the folks you're looking for: http://forums.corvetteforum.com/c4-vendor-for-sale/3489420-carbon-fiber-engine-dress-up-package.html
You can see a few of their pieces at the above link.
Re: New eye candy for the interior... (24/28)
 2/25/15 10:28am
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Warren, OH - USA

1986 Corvette

Joined: 7/8/2010
Posts: 5

These parts look GREAT!!
Great tip for the rest of us with "worn" interiors!!
Re: New eye candy for the interior... (25/28)
 3/4/15 4:05am
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Joined: 3/25/2010
Posts: 4

Here ya go.

Re: New eye candy for the interior... (26/28)
 3/4/15 5:14am
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Newcastle, OK - USA

1996 LT1 Collectors Edition

Joined: 3/2/2015
Posts: 5

I could be wrong, but this looks like normal Hydro Dipping.  It is getting really popular around here now.  I have seen people get guns, Rims and just about everything you can imagine dipped with this coating.  It is very durable (just as good as paint).  If you have a facebook page, here is a friend of mine who does this sort of thing.  He has done a ton of stuff for cars. https://www.facebook.com/Boneheadcoatingsok  I am getting my Strut Tower Brace done (100.00), my Fuse Box Panel (75.00) and my lid for my supercharger (200.00) done on my ZL1 Camaro.  Just an example of his prices.  I am sure if you looks for Hydro Dipping in your area, you would be able to find someone that does it locally and can get it done fast for you.  I would suggest that you go and have a look at some of the stuff they have done and see if you can find some reviews on their business before you spend the money.  As with Paint, not all painters are created equal and the same can be said for people who do these coatings.  I am not sure if the clear coat is something that they all do after, but you can ask them if they do and make sure that you get yours coated as well.  Good luck with it guys and gals!  Ohh and BTW, the job that they did on your pieces look amazing!

|UPDATED|3/4/2015 6:14:40 AM (AZT)|/UPDATED|
Re: New eye candy for the interior... (27/28)
 3/5/15 4:14am
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1988 Convertable

Joined: 11/3/2011
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  Anyone not familiar with Hydro Dipping can see the process here at this You-Tube Video:



Re: New eye candy for the interior... (28/28)
 3/13/15 8:07am
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1985 C4 red, 1985 C4 Black and dark gray

Joined: 7/9/2012
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NICE   ya cant put a price on cool   
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