Free but not for scrap. No shipping.
I am interested in this. I am in Florida and just bought my 86 from Ohio in September. From Goodwill!
Is there anyway you could accept Payment to ship these to me?
Thanks for any reply.
Stan, do you ever make it up north? There is not a heavy demand for these wheels and I have no problem holding them for you. I am not sure if Greyhound would haul them or not. You may text me at 937-515-5724 for further info. Just start the text with Corvette wheels.
If you guys get together on these wheels I’ve used Fastenal in the past. There is one in Melbourne, Fl. I had a set of 1990 ZR-1 wheels shipped with them for $195.00 and they came from Virginia.
I would like to get up there, but my girlfriend and I are taking care of her 83 year old mother. We did that trip with her to pick up the car. Never again!
I am looking for a shipper. Not too much time. It's an all day job to take care of her.
Do you have any pictures of these?
Thank you for your patience!
I will try to post some pics tomorrow.
I have had these since about 1999.
Good afternoon. FedEx gave me a price that would be acceptable.
I will have to have your address to get them to pickup the rims and tire.
If you would like to send a text to my phone my number is 321-698-0213.
I want to send you some kind of thank you for these!
Thank you very much!
Hi Stan, I will text you my cell number and email for my address. Do you want the center caps and spinners put in a separate box and sent with rims and tire? Do the wheels need wrapped or boxed or?
The wheels are yours as advertised.
Sold free 2-7-24 ------------------