Instrument cluster dark at startup. After driving for several miles in hot weather the cluster lights with accurate info.
After not running for several hours the above is repeated. Thought that I may have a faulty chassis ground.
Any ideas re problem ?
You will have to remove the cluster from the dash and open it up. Look on the main circuitboard for a white set of pins and sockets that connect the boards together. It's about 12 or so contacts like this, in a strip. The neutral pin is at one end, and it will probably look like it's overheated and got black scorch marks on it. You can check the others with an ohmmeter for resistance. The lights and turn signals also go through these pin connectors. I fixed mine by soldering some short wires to the pin contacts on the boards, and then putting insulated male and female spade connectors on the ends, so that you can put them together to bypass the overheated and weakened pin contacts. It's a pretty easy fix this way. The other option is to send the whole thing to and they will fix it for you and send it back in about two weeks.
Thanks much...will probably send out for repair.